TMA Formation

TMA Formation

Transportation Management Associations (TMAs)

Why Start a TMA?

A Transportation Management Association is a regional partnership formed between businesses, communities, and interested stakeholders to advance common goals around transportation

They are professionally staffed and usually formed as independent non-profits, or under existing regional groups. TMAs are an excellent way to maintain a long-term focus on key issues and facilitate ongoing conversations around transportation.

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Some of the many benefits of forming a TMA: 

  • Enhanced opportunities for economic development 
  • Better access and improved mobility 
  • Shared services such as first mile/last mile connections to transit 
  • Reduced traffic congestion 
  • Improvements in air quality 
  • Increase in sustainable transportation options 
  • Advocacy for infrastructure improvements 
  • Strong coalition and regional voice for transportation 
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TMA Directors:

TransAction’s TMA Directors are experienced leaders ready to ensure that all TMA Members benefit from their participation in the organization. From advocacy, to regional mobility initiatives, to shared shuttles, rideshare programs, and marketing initiatives, our team is ready on day one to successfully lead your TMA.  

TransAction Associates has been forming and managing non-profit Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) for more than 30 years with great success.

From convening formation meetings, to establishing the structure of the organization, recommending programs, and providing professional staff -- TransAction can take your group from concept to reality.

Here is a just a partial of list of TMAs that TransAction Associates has started, staffed and currently manages: 


Neponset Valley TMA

  • The Neponset Valley TMA works closely with its members to create a community-consciousness regarding traffic, transportation and related matters in the Canton, Norwood, Dedham, Westwood, Foxborough area. TMA staff works with the local communities on the transportation planning process, provides shared shuttles that connect to transit, and other vital services. In addition, the Executive Director acts as a voice for the businesses on transportation-related issues at public forums. 
  • Learn more about the Neponset Valley TMA. For immediate assistance, call 781-404-5023. 

CrossTown Connect TMA

  • CrossTown Connect was formed with the participating communities of Acton, Boxborough, Concord, Littleton, Maynard, Stow, and Westford, Massachusetts. The TMA is unique in that it looks at the transportation needs of residents as well as employees and visitors to the region. CrossTown Connect provides leadership in combining area resources in order to maximize mobility within, and access to, the communities. This TMA works to give its members a voice on transportation policies, legislation and roadway improvement projects. 
  • Learn more about the CrossTown Connect TMA. For immediate assistance, call 978-929-6457.

Alewife TMA

  • The Alewife Transportation Management Association (TMA) is a 501(c4) non-profit organization. This TMA is a partnership between businesses, developers, and residential buildings who join together to address a variety of regional transportation needs including: traditional commuting from the suburbs into Cambridge, reverse commuting from Cambridge to the suburban areas, and non-commuting trips around the area. 
  • Learn more about the Alewife TMA For immediate assistance, call 781-895-1100.

Middlesex 3 TMA

  • The Middlesex 3 TMA works on transportation in the Bedford, Billerica, Burlington, Chelmsford, Lexington, Lowell, Tewksbury, Tyngsboro and Westford regions as a part of the Middlesex 3 Coalition. The group directs its efforts towards addressing expanding commuting options with a focus on both economic and workforce development in the region. 
  • Learn more about the Middlesex 3 TMA. For immediate assistance, call 781-895-1100. 

Watertown TMA

  • The Watertown Transportation Management Association (TMA) is a non-profit organization that works to address transportation concerns in Watertown and the surrounding communities. New development and redevelopment of former industrial locations in Watertown has put traffic congestion and air pollution caused by automobiles at the top of that list. By promoting the benefits of driving less, taking transit or biking/walking, the Watertown TMA plays a key role in working with its business, residential and community partners to develop and promote sustainable transportation programs. 
  • Learn more about the Watertown TMA For immediate assistance, call 781-895-1100.

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