This is a very special dedication for a close family friend, Nicole Heck, who passed away today of last year from breast cancer at only 34 years old.
Nicole was an important part of TransAction’s extended family. She left behind her husband Kevin and two beautiful little girls, Alivia age 6 and Kylie age 4. She courageously fought this vicious disease for 15 months with an amazingly positive attitude and grace.
In honor of Nicole, TransAction Associates’ President Cindy Frene, Director of Transportation Brad Schuler, family friend Tim Phoenix, as well as 17 other team members participated in the Pan Mass Challenge this summer.
Going by the team name Team Heck of a Cause, the team successfully raised over $185,000, ranking them a Heavy Hitting Team! The PMC raised $45M in total from this year alone.
According to
, “a PMC team will be considered a Heavy Hitter team when the following criteria are met:
- Heavy Hitter teams must have at least five members.
- Heavy Hitter teams must raise the Heavy Hitter minimum ($7,200 average per rider) as a group. For example, a five member team must raise $36,000; a six-member team $43,200; etc..
- Each Heavy Hitter team member must submit his or her own fundraising minimum by the fundraising deadline.”
Heavy Hitters are an invaluable asset to the PMC since their fundraising represents more than half of the annual gift to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Most of the cyclists rode from Sturbridge to Provincetown in the two-day race. Both Cindy and Brad did the 1-day 84 mile ride from Wellesley to Bourne. The ‘Heck of a Cause’ team will be participating in the challenge next year, and will be accepting donations as of January 1st. Make sure to subscribe to our blog after the New Year for more Pan Mass 2016 information.
To everyone involved in donating to such a great cause, thank you for your continued support.